Latest News


Our newest arrival is Kathy Smith at 1270 W Omega Dr. Kathy joins us from Minnesota as a full-time resident. Please welcome her. Her contact information will be in the next release of the 2024 COP Homeowners List.


The COP Condo HOA operating board includes the following members. Our Board of Directors (BOD) now consists of 5 members.

PRESIDENT:  Ken Davis (858-231-1015)    

VICE-PRESIDENT: Jan Nelson (952-240-1823)

SECRETARY: Myra Fribourg (623-546-4300)

TREASURER:  Ken Davis - Acting (858-231-1015)

DIRECTOR: Gerald Phipps (503-507-4352)

DIRECTOR: Bob Franks (508-615-2252)


Chairperson of the Grounds Committee:

Jan Nelson (952-240-1823) 

Chairman of the Architectural Committee: 

Gerald Phipps (503-507-4352)



Sharon Davis (858-231-0997)


COLBY Management (623) 977-3860

Front Desk

Customer Service Ext 7725

Resale Coordination Ext7720



The next regular meeting of the COP HOA Board of Directors (BOD) is scheduled for Saturday 19 October at 9:30 am. It will be held at the Davis Condo. If you are planning any exterior improvements, please submit an Architectural Request to Jerry Phipps NLT one week prior. The agenda will be emailed and posted on this website. We are pleased to announce that Bob Frank has volunteered to serve on our COP HOA board. Bob is a snowbird and a long-time resident of our community. Welcome Bob!

Go to the Social Gatherings Tab to view photos of past and recent events. Note that there are now two Social Gatherings Tabs, more recent ones are on the left. Our next Gathering on the Green (GoG) is scheduled for Tuesday 22 October at 4 pm (location to be announced). This is a great opportunity to meet new residents and "catch up" with residents you have not seen over the summer months. Contact Social Chair Sharon Davis for more details. She can be reached at (858) 231-0997.

Sharon Davis also serves as Chairperson of the Welcome Committee. She can be contacted at (858) 231-0997 with any questions if you are new to our HOA or about upcoming events.

The Minutes for the 3.11.23 Annual Meeting were approved at the 3.9.24 Annual Meeting. The Pending Minutes for the 3.11.23 Annual Board Meeting are posted.  The Minutes for the 6.01.24 Regular Board Meeting have also been posted.

The 2024 Annual Meeting was held on 3.9.24. Forty (40) completed and signed ballots were collected. Jan Nelson, Myra Fribourg, and Bob Frank were selected as directors for two years. The COPC  Budget for 2024 was also approved. No changes to our governing documents were included.



One of our homes was invaded in August 2021 while the owners were sleeping. No one was physically harmed but some items were taken. This is disturbing and unsettling when you realize how vulnerable we are if our homes are not properly secured. Entry was through the garage, which is common, especially if the homeowner leaves the garage door open regularly. We have had golf clubs and bicycles stolen in the past. We have an HOA policy to keep garage doors closed unless someone is working in the garage or yard area. This is for your own safety and open doors can be an eyesore for your neighbors. It is also important to lock the door from the garage into your home at night or when on travel.



Water Charts are found on the Financials Tab.



Updated 19 April 2024

Sprinklers: Front yard and Common Area sprinklers run two times per day on Sunday and Thursday, at approximately 3 am and 6 am unless rain is expected. Times will vary with each section. Ray turns off watering after a rain.

Bubblers: Run between 7 am and 11 am on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday until the end of April when sprinklers are cut back to allow Rye grass to die off as it does in the heat, and the Bermuda grass to flourish. Times are staggered to keep the water pressure up.

We ask all homeowners, who are living here this summer, to keep an eye on newly planted shrubs and small trees. Please give them extra water and protect them from the heat as needed. If you can do the same for your snowbird neighbors, that would be much appreciated.

When the ground is wet enough especially after rain, Ray does shut off the main valves, so we don't irrigate. Those of you who have new plantings of shrubs please check and make sure they are not drying out. The first 3 months they do need more water.